The Avatar Exhibit at the Liberty Science Center!

On Saturday morning, I got a text from my boyfriend saying “the Avatar exhibit is open at the Liberty Science Center today, wanna go?” I had kind of forgotten about the Liberty Science Center. I had only been there once before, on a school trip when I was 12, in 6th grade. Since Avatar is one of my favorite movies of all time, I of course had to go. I did make him drive to Jersey City though, since I’m horrible with directions.

The exhibit was incredible. We got to see exactly how the movie was made, real-life props from the movie set. The thing that fascinated me the most was seeing how the actors’ facial expressions and movements while they were acting were directly interpreted onto their animated Na’Vi counterpart. Every single real-life facial movement was reflected onto their character. I just found it so fascinating and incredible.

I’m going to post a ton of pictures, so enjoy! Excuse the somewhat crappy quality of some; I was walking and taking pictures at the same time for a lot of them.


his is the wall that greets you when you arrive on the 4th floor to see the exhibit!

Me standing in front of one of the things they used to fight with in the movie. I forget what it’s called though.

 didn’t know that Pandora was actually just a moon, and not a planet.

y boyfriend using the super cool interactive touch screen. You would select a “block” thing, in this case he picked a weapons one, and when it was placed on the screen, the screen read it and opened up this little web thing that you could touch and drag and look up information with. It was so cool.

Artist sculptures of Jake Sully, Neytiri, and Neytiri’s mother.

he outfits the actors had to wear while filming for the simulation of their animated characters.

My boyfriend learning the Na’Vi language. He pressed the “I Love You” button first 🙂

A replica of the trailer the “rebels,” including Jake, lived in on Pandora to get away from the greedy military.

wesome weapons!

Overall, it’s an awesome exhibit and I definitely recommend it. It’s open until May also. I have a ton more pictures but then I’d be taking up a thousand pages haha.

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